Here’s a more streamlined method for backing up databases without exiting them.
In Access Archon #115(WAW 5.16) I described a method (usable in database formats from 2000 up) for making a backup of the current database, without exiting the database. This is very handy when working on a database – if you back it up frequently, if something goes wrong, you can return to the last database before the problem. Since then, I have streamlined the backup methodology so that all you have to do is import a set of objects from Backup.mdb and set a reference in your database to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library in the References dialog. The objects to import are listed below:
· tblBackupInfo
· mcrBackup
· basBackup
You can either run the mcrBackup macro to create a backup, or call the BackupDB procedure from a command button; I usually place a Backup button on the main menu. A zip containing the updated Backup.mdb can be downloaded from the Downloads page of my Web site.