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Counting Selections in Listboxes and Combo Boxes

Looks at the different types of item counts you can get for listboxes and combo boxes.

Access Archon #132



Recently I received some emails from AW readers requesting help on counting selections in listboxes and combo boxes.  This article deals with the different types of item counts you can get for listboxes and combo boxes.  In the case of listboxes, the question was how to determine the number of items currently selected in a listbox, and for a combo box, the question was how to get a count of all the times a specific item had been selected in a combo box.

Listbox Counts

Access listboxes have a very useful collection, SelectedItems, that contains the items currently selected in a multiselect listbox.  This collection has a Count property that gives the number of selected items.  I made a sample form, frmListboxCount, with a multiselect listbox with a row source of the Northwind Categories table (renamed tblCategories).  The form also has a command button whose Click event procedure calculates the number of items selected in the listbox, and an unbound textbox to display the value.  The form is shown in Figure A.

Figure A.  A listbox with a command button to show the number of items selected

VBA Codede

Private Sub cmdCountSelectedItems_Click()


On Error GoTo ErrorHandler


   Dim lngCount As Long

   Dim lst As Access.ListBox


   Set lst = Me![lstSelect]

   lngCount = Nz(lst.ItemsSelected.Count)

   Me![txtCount].Value = lngCount



   Exit Sub



   MsgBox “Error No: ” & Err.Number & “; Description: ” & Err.Description

   Resume ErrorHandlerExit


End Sub


Combo Box Count

Combo boxes have no ItemsSelected collection, since you can only select one item at a time in a combo box.  However, you might want to record the number of times a particular item had been selected in a combo box, so I wrote code on the AfterUpdate event of a combo box on the frmComboBoxCount form to create new records in a table, tblCategorySelectionCount.  I then made a totals query based on that table to give the totals by Category and Date, and display them in a datasheet subform.  The form is shown in Figure B.

Figure B.  A combo box with a subform displaying the number of times each item was selected

The row source of the combo box is a union query, with a blank item that shows at the top of the list (to avoid confusion when opening the form – if not for the blank selection, it would look as if the Beverages item was selected).  The union query’s SQL statement is listed below:

SELECT tblCategories.CategoryID, tblCategories.CategoryName

FROM tblCategories

UNION SELECT 0 AS CategoryID, “” AS CategoryName

FROM tblCategories;


The Selection Count subform has as its record source the totals query qtotCategorySelectionCount, shown in design view in Figure C.

Figure C.  A totals query that calculates the number of items selected by Category and Date.  Click on the image to see the full size version.

VBA Code

The combo box’s AfterUpdate procedure is listed below:

Private Sub cboSelect_AfterUpdate()


On Error GoTo ErrorHandler


   Dim lngCategory As Long

   Dim dbs As DAO.Database

   Dim rst As DAO.Recordset


   lngCategory = Me![cboSelect].Value

   Set dbs = CurrentDb

   Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(“tblCategorySelectionCount”)

   With rst


      ![CategoryID] = lngCategory

      ![SelectionDate] = Date

      ![CountNumber] = 1


   End With





   Exit Sub



   MsgBox “Error No: ” & Err.Number & “; Description: ” & Err.Description

   Resume ErrorHandlerExit


End Sub



The code in the sample database needs the following reference (in addition to the default references):

Microsoft Scripting Runtime

If you import code or objects into a database of your own, you may need to set this reference.  References are set in the References dialog, opened from the VBA window.  For more information on working with references, see Access Archon #107, Working with References.

Supporting Files

The zip file containing this article, in Word format, plus the supporting file, may be downloaded from the Access Archon page of my Web site.  It is, which is the last entry in the table of Access Archon columns for Access Watch.

Document Name

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Counting Selections.mdb

Access 2000 database (can also be used in higher versions of Access)

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