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Deleting Duplicates from Another Table

How to delete duplicates from another table.

Q:  John Haynes writes:  I am trying to set up a standard query to delete duplicates.  The tables consist of customers from 2 different companies company I and company N.  I need to delete the customers in company I when there is a record in company N.  I went to Microsoft’s website and did a search for what I needed to do and found an article (note from Helen:  the link is no longer functional, so I am not listing it).  This is instructions for deleting duplicate records with Access 2003.  I followed the instructions and created the select query using group for the customer and max for the company then created the delete query. I can view the items to be deleted but when I try executing the query it tells me that “Could not delete from specified tables”. I checked with the internal help on the problem but did not find one that applied.  The database is standalone and not marked as read-only and I have administrative rights to the file I do not have any other links to this table.


A:  Usually when you can’t run an action query, it is because you are working with a non-updatable query.  It might be easier to do this job in code, as in the code sample below, which searches for a matching record in tblOtherCompanies for each record in tblCompanies, and deletes any record in tblCompanies where a match is found:

Public Sub DeleteDupes()


   Dim dbs As DAO.Database

   Dim rstTable1 As DAO.Recordset

   Dim rstTable2 As DAO.Recordset

   Dim strSearch As String

   Dim strCompany As String


   Set dbs = CurrentDb

   Set rstTable1 = dbs.OpenRecordset(“tblCompanies”, dbOpenDynaset)

   Set rstTable2 = dbs.OpenRecordset(“tblOtherCompanies”, dbOpenDynaset)


   Do While Not rstTable1.EOF

      strCompany = Nz(rstTable1![CompanyName])

      If strCompany <> “” Then

         strSearch = “[CompanyName] = ” & Chr$(34) & strCompany & Chr$(34)

         Debug.Print “Search string: ” & strSearch

         rstTable2.FindFirst strSearch

         If rstTable2.NoMatch = False Then


         End If


      End If



End Sub

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