How to export contacts from an Access table to an Outlook folder.
Q: Farouk Dawood has written code to export contacts from an Access table to an Outlook folder, using the CreateItem(olContactItem) syntax, but it isn’t working – the new contacts are being created in the default local Contacts folder instead. What is the syntax for creating contacts in a public folder?
A: If you use CreateItem for creating a new Outlook item, the new item is created in the default local folder. To create the contacts in a custom folder, use the Add method of that folder’s Items collection instead. Also, since your folder variable is set to the top-level All Public Folders folder, you need to add the actual folder name to it:
Set fldContacts = olns.GetDefaultFolder(olPublicFoldersAllPublicFolders).Folders(“Clients contact list”)
Then use
Set itm = fldContacts.Items.Add(“IPM.Contact”)
to add a standard contact item. Your code creates custom properties for the new contact item, but you can also create new contact items using a custom contact form, with the custom properties set up in advance — see my Code Sample #49, on the Code Samples page of my Web site, for more details on this technique.