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Incrementing Invoice Numbers

How to make invoice numbers automatically advance one number at a time.

Q:  Peter Lessey writes:  I would like the invoice numbers to advance automatically one number at a time. Also to start from a preset number.  Is there a way to do this?

A:  You can always use an AutoNumber field, but there are problems with that approach (you may have already tried it).  There is a Help article on starting autonumbering with a specific number, but the technique is complex, and doesn’t always work, and then you can have skipped numbers, which is a problem in accounting.  For gapless numbering, I use DMax to get the highest number used, and add 1 to it, in code running from a form’s Before_Insert event, such as the following:

Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)


On Error GoTo ErrorHandler


   Dim lngID As Long


   lngID = DMax(“[EmployeeID]”, “tblEmployees”) + 1

   Me![EmployeeID] = lngID



   Exit Sub



   MsgBox “Error No: ” & Err.Number & “; Description: ” & Err.Description

   Resume ErrorHandlerExit


End Sub

This will not prevent all gaps – if you delete an invoice, you will have a gap in numbering.  But at least you won’t get gaps caused by accidentally creating a new record, then deleting it, as can happen with an AutoNumber field.

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