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More on Faxing from Access using DDE

Here’s a code that attaches a saved file to an outgoing fax, using a DDE command.

In response to Access Archon #112 (Faxing from Access with WinFax using DDE), Susan S. writes that she needs to fax files as attachments. This can also be done in code. You could, for example, output a query as a comma-delimited text file, or fill a Word document with data from Word, or save a report as a snapshot file, and then fax the file as an attachment. The following code segment attaches a saved file to an outgoing fax, using another DDE command similar to the others used in the article:


   ‘Attach interview report document

   ‘Debug.Print “Saved document path: ” & strSaveNamePath

   DDEPoke channel:=lngChannel, Item:=”sendfax”, _

      Data:=”attach(” & Chr$(34) & strSaveNamePath & Chr$(34) & “)”

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