Our article Track the largest companies Market Caps in real time got a lot more interest than we expected. Maybe because Apple and Microsoft are so close in value at the moment. So we’ve made the worksheet available for Real Time Excel readers.
Market Capitalizations.xlsx
also includes an example of the upcoming function Sortby() which automatically re-sorts a table without VBA. Sortby() is a very welcome (overdue?) option that makes the Stock data type much more useful.
The workbook needs the current Excel 365 for Windows (with Stock Data type) to work. The ‘Auto-Sort’ tab needs the latest Office Insiders release with dynamic arrays and the Sortby() function.
How to get Market Capitalizations.xlsx
It’s available now as a bonus for Real-Time Excel – get live stock prices, currency rates and more readers. Buy the ebook now for just $6.95 to get all the example worksheets plus the 200 page book and the new Market Capitalizations workbook.
Past purchasers can download the latest ebook release from their book account.
The bonus has been done quickly so it’s not mentioned in the text, just added to the attachments.
Look for Market Capitalizations.xlsx
in the attachments list.
Open the workbook then read the Notes tab for an explanation.
Also in that workbook is an example of the upcoming SortBy() function on the Auto-Sort tab. Sortby() is currently available to Office Insiders. SortBy() will automatically re-sort a table without the need for VBA hacks. If Sortby() isn’t supported in your Excel, there’s been an error message on that tab but no harm is done.