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Did Covfefe make it into Microsoft Word?

All the ‘End of  2017 news reviews’ reminded us of the great ‘Covfefe’ debate.

President Trump made a tweet typing error, adding the previously unknown ‘covfefe’ to the language.

It’s believed to be a mistype of ‘coverage’ though neither the President nor his staff would admit that.

Word 2016 for Windows

As incurable Office nerds, we could not help wondering if Covfefe made it to the Microsoft Word dictionary?

It did!  Amazingly, Microsoft appears to have added Covfefe to their in-built English language dictionary, at least in Word for Windows.

Word 2016 for Mac

Strangely, the latest Word 2016 for Mac has a red squiggly for the same word.

We tested with Word 2016 for Windows and Mac (Office 365) with latest updates.  English US, UK   and Australian languages.

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