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Apple Handoff now in Word, Excel and PowerPoint

Microsoft 365 for Mac can now use the Apple Handoff option to pass a document between a Mac computer, iPhone or iPad. We’ll also explain how to get a similar feature on any combination of devices Apple or Android.

Apple Handoff lets you pass control of an open document between Apple devices. For example a workbook can be passed from Excel on an iPhone to Excel on a Mac computer.

Apple Handoff

All you have to do is put the two devices near each other with the file open in the app of the source device.

On the other device, it will appear. Here’s an iPhone Word doc getting a Handoff to Mac desktop with an icon appearing on the taskbar.

For this to work you need:

  • Apple iPhone, iPad or Mac computer (not Watch)
  • Same Apple ID sign-in on all devices
  • Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for:
    • iOS: v2.89 build 24090210 and later
    • Mac: v16.89 build 24091630 and later
    • For now that means ‘Insiders’ but the feature will spread to public releases later.
  • File saved in OneDrive or Sharepoint.

Microsoft says the Office apps must be installed “…from the App Store” however Handoff worked in our tests using Office for Mac installed from the Microsoft site. They are probably referring to the iOS Mobile App delays.

Everyone has Handoff

Handoff is a neat trick but savvy Microsoft Office users have been doing much the same thing for many years now. A form of ‘handoff’ is possible between any two or more devices with Microsoft 365/Office software installed.

All you need is:

  • Any modern Office/Microsoft 365 app
    • Apple, Android. Windows or Mac.
    • Logged into the same Microsoft account.
  • A document, sheet or presentation saved on OneDrive or Sharepoint

Because the file is saved on the cloud, it’s available on any of your devices. The ‘Recently Opened’ file list is synced between apps using the same Microsoft account.

Just open the same file and it’ll appear on the other device or even both devices at the same time.

No need for the devices to be near each other.

Starting with Document Collaboration in Word, Excel or PowerPoint

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