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The Office Envelope Object and Office 2000

Using the Office Envelope Object in Office 2000 – what works and what doesn’t.

Some readers have asked whether the Office Envelope Object (featured in Access Archon #122) can be used in Office 2000.  Well, sort of.  While writing the article, I tested the two procedures in Office 2000 and found that the Word procedure worked, but the Excel one didn’t.  This turned out to be because the Envelope object is only partially implemented in Excel 2000.  The Workbook object does have an EnvelopeVisible property, but the Worksheet object lacks a MailEnvelope property, so all you can do is make the envelope visible; you can’t set its properties in code.  So, if you need to mail Word documents in Office 2000 programmatically, using the Envelope Object, you can do that, but you can’t email Excel worksheets (at least, not using this method).

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