Here are some more ‘right pointing’ symbol options for Word, Excel, PowerPoint or any Microsoft Office app.
We’ve already looked in detail at:
White Right Pointing Index Hand ☞
Right arrow → symbol
Now let’s see some other ‘right pointing’ options that can be used in Office documents. Right pointers are especially handy in bulleted lists as alternatives to the standard bullet symbols.
Backhand Right Index
There’s also a backhand version called “White Right Pointing Backhand Index”
Decimal: 128073 Hex: 1F449
Not as many fonts support the backhand version but there is a color rendering in Segoe UI Emoji for modern Office apps.
Make any symbol into a bullet list via Home | Paragraph | Bullet | Define New Bullet | Symbol then choose the Font & Symbol.
Icon alternative right hand
Icons or SVG graphics in Microsoft 365 have two right pointing hands (one in Office 2019).
See Use Icon/SVG as Bullet in Word list
Search for ‘point’ or ‘hand’ to find them. They aren’t as detailed as some of the symbol options but, as Icons, there’s a lot more flexibility to change the look.
Here are some examples of transformed right hand pointing icons with Glow, Shadow, Reflection and 3D changes from Graphics Format | Graphics Styles.
Icons can be rotated. The right pointing icon can be turned around to point in any direction you like.
Right Pointing Hand ☞ symbol in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
Right arrow → symbol in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
Left arrow ← in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
Left Right arrow ↔ in Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint and Word
Better ‘Not Allowed’ red circle/line symbol with text