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See the world’s top companies in Excel

In Excel 365 you can list the world’s top companies and their market capitalizations including the shortlived leader, NVIDIA.

NVIDIA have a lock on the supply of AI related hardware and so their stock price has dramatically risen.  ‘Dramatic’ is an understatement because NVIDIA briefly jumped over Microsoft and Apple to become the world’s largest public company.

Market Caps of major companies at 19 June 2024, shown in Excel

There’s not a lot (a mere $50 billion) between the top three so the rankings could and did change at anytime. Less than a week later, NVIDIA was #3 with Microsoft back on top.

Same Excel workbook of Market Caps of major companies at 25 June 2024.

In our ebook Real-Time Excel – get live stock prices, currency rates and more we go into detail about the Stock data type in Excel 365 which gives (almost) real time stock prices for thousands of global companies.

Included with the book is a Market Capitalizations Excel workbook (shown above) which automatically updates the stock price and shares issued for major companies.

Adding companies is easy (on the Original Data tab) which we’re done above. to include NVIDIA. The other tables in the sample workbook update automatically.

Real Time Excel – stock prices and more
Put the latest stock prices, indexes, exchange rates even weather details automatically into Excel, Word and PowerPoint.

Available NOW for Excel 365 Windows/Mac and earlier versions of Office.

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