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Discover Spaces, Canvas, Captures & Zoom in Project Moca

Let’s look at the ‘Big Picture’ of Project Moca. Each overall Space has a Canvas, menus and Zoom options.

Each Space can contain Bucket,  Notes, Tasks, Goal, Weather, Location, Person, Email or Calendar items. See Inside Project Moca – Bucket, Notes, File and many more


Project Moca can have one or more Spaces or web pages.

Make spaces for any topic or project you like.


Canvas is the main working area of a Space … items are added to the Canvas.  When moving an item around the page, Canvas gridlines appear.

The left-side menu is where you can add more items (Notes, Tasks, Links etc).

The right-side icons has search, events, captures and settings.

At bottom right is a small but invaluable Zoom menu.


A Canvas can take up more area than the visible browser window.

Bottom right is a Zoom menu.  An over-size Space can be zoomed in or out to fit the browser window.

Click on any unused Canvas area and drag to move the canvas around.  The thumbnail shows the entire Space and the visible area.

Space View Shortcuts

Zoom in:  Ctrl + ]

Zoom out: Ctrl + [

Search, Messages, Events, Captures and Settings

On the right of a space are three important icons.

Search – find messages or events.  Not items or buckets in the Spaces.

Captures – items added to a Space from other locations (like an Email added to Project Moca) get listed here.

Settings – opens the original New Space dialog to rename.

Introducing the interesting Project Moca
Inside Project Moca – Bucket, Notes, File and many more
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