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Image restyling in Copilot

Copilot can change the style or look of an AI generated image to make endless variations on the same theme with a few clicks. We’ll show you how it really works and how to make it work even better.

Ask Copilot for an image such as “make image of a Koala in the desert”, select one of the thumbnails to see the full size version. What’s new are the style choices at the bottom.

The choices offered are Pixel Art, Watercolor, Block print, Steampunk, Claymation, Art Deco, Low Poly or Origami.  Here are three versions based on the text prompt that made the above image.


Block Print

Note: Koalas don’t eat cactus <g>


Note: they don’t sit on cactus either <g>.

A totally new AI image

The new image isn’t the original redrawn in a different style, which is what you might expect.  As you can see above, the three variation images are quite different from each other.

That’s because Copilot isn’t really using the source image as the basis for any edits.

Instead, Copilot is only using the text prompt that made the original image then adding style instruction e.g.

“Koala in the desert, as watercolor style”

Choose your own style

That means you’re not limited to those styles, choose your own.   Select an AI image then type in a new style e.g ‘change image to collage style’.

Copilot makes new images using the original prompt plus the style you’ve typed.

Coming to Designer

You might notice that these Copilot made images are tagged with the Designer name and logo. That’s because these Copilot image change features are from the Designer system. Which is strange because those features have yet to appear in Designer itself!

We’re told that the AI image style options and the AI image background editing options will be appearing in Designer soon.

There’s a lot more about Copilot at

Copilot gets image background editing
Copilot’s Legal Trap or what you’re giving to Microsoft
Copilot appears in Word whether you like it or not

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