Empty or unwanted pages just after a Word table are especially annoying. Trying to select anything after the table can be difficult unless you know the tricks.
Here’s the common problem in Word. A table goes to the end of a document or section but another empty page is added.
Clicking Home | Paragraph | Show All and removing the margins etc. show that there’s a paragraph mark after the table.
The table fits into the previous page with only the paragraph mark causing overrunning onto the next page.
Word can’t end a document/section with a table, there must be a paragraph mark at the end.
The usual recommendations for stopping the overrun onto another page are things like slightly reducing the line spacing on the table or row heights.
Adjusting the final paragraph mark
We like this sneaky trick, reducing the font size of the final paragraph mark. While that final paragraph isn’t visible, to Word it’s taking up some vertical space that needs the extra page.
Select the end paragraph mark and reduce the font size until it’s at the bottom of the page not the top of a blank one.
In our example, we needed the font setting at 5pt to remove the extra page but you can go down to 1pt if necessary.
It that’s not enough, further shrink the vertical height of that paragraph from Paragraph settings and make sure Before and After spacing is zero.
A really extreme measure is to make the line spacing a single point high.
If the really tiny paragraph is still on another page, try adjusting one or more table row heights until the blank page is gone.
Word tables for formatting magic
Choose the words to show in a Word Table of Contents
Make a Word table with picture background