Outlook can show weather details and, as usual in Office, there’s more available than most people realize on the Weather Bar.
Calendar views display the weather forecast and current weather for up to five cities or locations. Available in Outlook 2013 and later including Outlook 2021/2019, Outlook 365.
The forecast appears above the calendar.
Hover over the weather icon to see the current weather.
Today, tomorrow and beyond
If the Outlook window is wide enough, it will display the forecast for coming days.
Up to five cities
What’s less obvious, Outlook can show the weather for multiple cities.
See more online
Click the ‘See more online’ link (bottom right) for more information … at least in theory.
You might have more luck, but our tests of the MSN page aren’t good.
In another example, clicking on ‘See more online’ for New York revealed the current weather in Tashkent!
Adding a city
Up to five locations or cities can be on the Outlook weather list. Choose ‘Add Location’ from the pull-down list.
Type the name of the city or location you want then select from the results.
US ZIP codes can resolve to locations.
According to Microsoft other postal codes also work. We could get Canadian and UK post codes working but only with full codes.
For example W1A 1AA and K1A 0B1 work but just W1A or K1A do not.
Australian post codes don’t work, use the city, town, suburb name instead.
Removing a city
Like many pull-down lists, click on the X on the right to remove a city.
Weather settings
Under File | Options | Calendar | Weather.
Weather toolbar on / off
Show weather on the calendar: turn the weather display on / off.
Celsius / Fahrenheit
Show temperature in: Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Missing parts of the weather toolbar
Current Location
One missing piece of the Weather Bar is the current location.
Travelling Office users would like to see the weather for their current location automatically.
Time display
Another missing element of the weather bar is time.
A display of cities or locations should show the current time as well. It would be an easy reference within Outlook available for five locations (compared to mere two on the Windows status bar.
Knowing the current time in each location also puts the current weather in a proper context.