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Remake your own photos for Halloween

Microsoft Designer has a simple way to take a photo and turn it into something scary or spooky for Halloween.

We’ve already explained about Designer’s Restyle Image option that converts a photo into a graphic in a style and additions you choose.

Use it at Halloween to transform a photo of children or grandkids.

As an example, we went to  and uploaded this teddy bear photo (despite the temptation 😀, we didn’t want to embarrass any child or parents by using a real photo).

Then choose a style.  Sadly, there’s still only 14 styles available. We chose Block Print which usually makes something dark.

Finally add some Background Elements like scary monsters, skulls or large spiders.

Adding some “mood words” adjectives can help change the tone of the result.  Too many of Designers creations had a smiling bear, but adding a word like ‘scary’ to the Background Elements text can help sometimes. Below it changed only two of the graphics.

Give Restyle Image a try for Halloween.

Hopefully by the next Halloween, Microsoft will make this limited feature more responsive to customer input.  At least add more styles and also text input to change the overall tone or look of the results.

Transform a photo with Restyle Image in Designer

Microsoft Designer: Straight Talk

Microsoft Designer has discovered landscape images

Spice up Halloween with Microsoft Designer

Halloween help in Microsoft Office

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