There’s hints of a Military Appreciation Edition for Canada – where is it?
Ever since we first saw the licence agreement for Office 2010 we’ve been intrigued about this section:
“CANADIAN FORCES SOFTWARE. You must be a “CANEX Authorized Patron” to license software marked as “Canadian Forces” edition.”
(the full section is below)
This seems like a Canadian version of the US Military Appreciation Edition – but where is it?
CANEX is the Canadian Forces Exchange System but beyond that we can’t find any mention of the Office 2010 ‘Canadian Forces’ edition.
Can any of our Canadian readers with connections in the Forces or ‘Mounties’ shed any light on this? How can you get it, what is offered and the price?
As usual, contact us via
From the Office 2010 license agreement copied at
14. CANADIAN FORCES SOFTWARE. You must be a “CANEX Authorized Patron” to license software marked as “Canadian Forces” edition. To be a CANEX Authorized Patron, you must be a
• Serving member of the Canadian Forces (CF) or their spouse;
• Member of the Canadian Forces Reserve Force;
• Retired Canadian Forces member or Department of National Defense (DND) civilian employee in receipt of a DND pension;
• Permanent full time or part time Non-Public Fund (NPF) or DND employee or and their spouse;
• CANEX Concessionaire (principals only);
• Qualifying foreign military personnel;
• Retired NPF employee in receipt of an NPF pension;
• Full time employee of Alternative Service Delivery contractors;
• Widow of CF personnel receiving a benefit under the Child Family Services Act, Defence Services Pension Contribution Act, or the Pension Act or the War Veterans Allowance Act;
• Member of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires when residing or employed on a Base/Wing; or
• Member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
The software is not licensed for use in any commercial, non-profit, or revenue-generating activities. If the software is marked as “Canadian Forces” edition, you may only transfer this software in accordance with Canex retail store service policies and regulations. “