Word is getting an online coach to improve or adapt your writing with the Copilot Coaching. It’s an extension of the current rewrite option in Copilot. Coaching analyses the selected text or entire document then makes suggestions that you can accept or reject.
There are quite a few conditions on Copilot Coaching as it’s available now. Details are below but the main one is that a paid Copilot plan is required.
Select some text or the whole document. Start Copilot (Alt + i or click the icon) then choose Get Coaching.
Coaching has a comment on the text and suggestions.
As you can see, Copilot is no respecter of persons. It even has three suggestions to improve the whole Gettysburg Address!
Suggested text can be selected and pasted into the document. Microsoft says a more direct way to apply suggestions is coming.
Many conditions
At this stage, there are many conditions to using Copilot Coaching
A paid Copilot plan (consumer or business).
The other limits are, hopefully, temporary and will be lifted over time.
- Word for the Web online only
- Located in the USA (a VPN might bypass this limitation)
- English language text in the document
- English language menu/interface
Coaching will be extended to other countries and languages as well as “richer capabilities”. Microsoft hasn’t said anything but presumably Coaching will be added to Word for Windows and Mac at some stage.
Copilot Wave 2 – watch out for the fine-print
Copilot Pro brings AI into Microsoft Office