Amazon Prime members might have a chance to get Office 365 cheaply while the Prime Day deals are on.
The Amazon ‘Prime Day’ runs for two days (go figure), Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th apparently according to local time zones.
Office 365 Home is often discounted but rarely to the extent that the Prime Day deals are promising.
A reminder that an Office 365 plan can be extended anytime. No need to wait until near the expiry date. Microsoft allows Office 365 to be prepaid up to five years ahead.
See Six steps to a cheaper Office 365 renewal or first purchase.
Not a Prime member or missed out on these deals? Don’t despair, Office 365 is often sold legally for less than Microsoft’s retail price.
Might …
You may have noticed that we said you might get a discount. We could not verify some of the Office 365 Prime Day offers, so check carefully before buying.
Maybe Amazon only has limited supply at the lower price?
Various reports say that Amazon US has Office 365 Home for $69 instead of $99 as a Prime Day deal. However, when we checked and only the full price package was available.
Amazon UK is even stranger. The search results page promises a ₤10 discount as a Prime Day deal “Available now.”
However, on the product page itself, Office 365 Home is ‘out of stock’.