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Use the six Soccer icons in Microsoft Office

In the Microsoft Office Icons there are six Soccer (football) related graphics, a ball, running player and a goal net with two variations on each.  Start with those plain icons to make more colorful designs with a few clicks.

There are also some Soccer ⚽ emoji in Office

Along the way, we also found a strange bug in the Office Icon search, so Office Watch explains the trap and workaround.

Icons for Microsoft 365 and Office 2021

In Microsoft 365 and Office 2021 there are three Soccer icons with the usual ‘black’ or ‘white/outline’ options.  Insert | Icons,  search for ‘soccer’ and all six options will appear:

  • Soccer ball
  • Runner with ball
  • Goal / net with soccer ball

Here’s a strange bug in Office 365 for Mac.  An icon search in either Microsoft 365 for Windows or Mac should give the same results, but when we tried to find ‘soccer’ icons in Office for Mac, none appeared!

The workaround is simple, just search for ‘football’ and the six soccer icons appear with a few more.

It’s a puzzle, it seems the Icon search terms are different for Windows vs Mac users … why? There are probably other search anomalies.

Office 2019 soccer icons

Office 2019 only has one soccer ball and one running player.  Just the ‘black’ version from Insert | Icons.

Do more than the plain soccer ball icon

Click on the soccer ball icon (or any Office Icon) then look on the Graphics Format tab for many options to reshape and recolor the plain icon.

In particular look at the Graphics Styles options:

  • Graphics Fill
    • Change color of the fill areas
  • Graphics Outline
    • Change the outline of the icon, color, weight (thickness) or different dashes or dots.
  • Graphics Effects
    • “spoiled for choices”  Shadow, Reflection, Glow, Soft Edges, Bevel, 3D rotation.

For even more control, use ‘Convert to Shape’.

Overlay an icon over a picture or flag

Another possibility is overlaying an icon over a picture, possibly a national flag.

Here’s two we quickly made in Word. People with better design sense can do better <g>.

To overlay one graphic over another, choose ‘In front of text’ from the Layout options.

Then drag the graphic over the other image. Resize and position however you like.  Most likely the icon colors will need changing to contrast on the background.

Soccer ball ⚽ emoji in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
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