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Olympic Rankings in Excel; Gold, Silver, Bronze

Discover the exciting way to insert Olympic-style rankings into Microsoft Excel, featuring Gold, Silver, Bronze, and even fourth place, with equal/joint placings beautifully noted!” 🥇🥈🥉

Use this to make the right wording for a published table of results in the Olympic-style (Gold, Silver, Bronze) with joint or multiple equal winners noted. Output to a web page or data source for a Word mail merge (for certificates etc.).

Add this custom function RankOlympic() passing in the ranking, Highest value ranking (i.e. numer of participants) and how many entries have that ranking.

The custom VBA is similar to other ranking functions at Many Ordinal RANK() options in Excel with joint, equal rankings, words and more.

Function RankOlympic(pNumber As Integer, pTopRank As Integer, pNumEqualRankings As Integer) As String

 ' Olympic style rankings.

Select Case pNumber

    Case 1
    RankOlympic = "Gold"

    Case 2
     RankOlympic = "Silver"

    Case 3
     RankOlympic = "Bronze"

    Case 4
     RankOlympic = "Just missed out"

    Case Else
     RankOlympic = "one of the rest"

End Select

' For bottom ranked item
 If pNumber = pTopRank Then
     RankOlympic = "Last of the rest"
 End If

' returns a suffix depending on the number of equal rankings.
 Select Case pNumEqualRankings

    Case 1
   ' nothing to do

    Case 2
     RankOlympic = RankOlympic & " (joint)"

    Case Else
     RankOlympic = RankOlympic & " (equal)"

End Select
 End Function

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