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CAPS Lock strike succeeds

An industrial dispute involving CAPS has ended.

One of the most interesting industrial disputes of 2013 has now ended with a new agreement between staff and management of the Melbourne Fire Brigade in Australia.

Being an emergency service, the administrative staff didn’t feel that a full ‘stop work’ strike was appropriate so they resorted to more creative options like parking in managers car spaces and having lunch in bosses offices.

The tactic that caught’s eye was workers using the CAPS LOCK key when working, probably not all the time but enough to make some documents a strain on managerial eyes.

It’s a simple enough thing to do, just press the Caps Lock key and type away.

Microsoft Office has an anti Caps Lock option in the AutoCorrect dialog – Correct accidental usage of cAPS LOCK key …

The AutoCorrect options are at Options | Proofing | AutoCorrect options

Autocorrent dialog image from CAPS Lock strike succeeds at

Correct accidental usage of cAPS LOCK key does a specific job, fixing capitalization when you hit keys in the wrong order for a first letter capital like MElbourne or mElbourne. The Autocorrect option fixes these automatically.

Exactly how this “Correct accidental usage of cAPS LOCK” works isn’t clear. Microsoft’s Help isn’t very, er, helpful and there’s only unconfirmed guesses elsewhere.

As you can see above, the Exceptions button opens up lists of words or acronyms that will not be changed by AutoCorrect for First Letter, INitial CAps etc.

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