My favorite Outlook calendar view is very useful but most people don’t know it’s there. See today and the next week in one screen.
I rarely care what’s happened in the past, I want to see what’s happening in the near future. That’s why my ‘Go To’ calendar view is Home | Go To | Next 7 days.
Next 7 days
That shows today on the left and the next 6 days including weekend.
Most Outlook calendar views show the past and future around a date. The Week and Work Week views show the entire 5 or 7 day period, past, today and future.
It would be nice to have some more flexibility with this view. In work situations people might prefer ‘Next nn days’ but without the weekend or non-work days.
Outlook (new) and online
Speaking of choosing the days to view, Outlook in a browser doesn’t have a ‘Next 7 days’ button. It has something better though a bit hidden. The same option is in Outlook (new) for Windows.
The calendar Home or View tabs have a Day pull down menu to choose how many days ahead to view.
Day | 7 days is the same as ‘Next 7 days’ in Outlook (classic) for Windows.
Not in Outlook for Mac
Next 7 days or equivalent isn’t in Outlook for Mac. All you have is ‘Day’ or ‘Three day’.